Über den Kurs

In this course, I take you from the fundamentals and concepts of data modeling all the way through a number of best practices and techniques that you’ll need to build data models in your organization. You’ll find many examples that clearly demonstrate the key concepts and techniques covered throughout the course.

By the end of the course, you’ll be all set to not only put these principles to work, but also to make the key data modeling and design decisions required by the “art” of data modeling that transcend the nuts-and-bolts techniques and design patterns.

Organisations, or groups of organisations, may establish the need for master data management when they hold more than one copy of data about a business entity. Holding more than one copy of this master data inherently means that there is an inefficiency in maintaining a “single version of the truth” across all copies. Unless people, processes and technology are in place to ensure that the data values are kept aligned across all copies, it is almost inevitable that different versions of information about a business entity will be held.

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Was werde ich lernen?

  • Your understanding will be complete
  • Comparable to what you might achieve in a more formal learning environment.
  • You will be prepared to seize opportunities that come your way in the future
  • Ready to go on to further
  • More narrowly-focused training in whatever related specialty you choose.


Getting started in the drawing course
Getting started in the drawing course

  • Customer Advisory Board
  • Introduction to the drawing
  • How to deal with difficult customers?

Drawing materials, mark making, blending and erasing
Drawing materials, mark making, blending and erasing

Line and contour drawing
Line and contour drawing


4.70 ratings (33)

24 Courses

115 students

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  • Electronics is a somewhat math-intensive technology, so a positive (fearless) attitude about math will be helpful.


  • If your goal is to move up into one of these better-paying jobs, you can get that basic training here, learning it all at your own pace, and in a stress-free conversational environment.

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